Real Estate

Who Can Write a Contract of Purchase and Sale in BC?

A real estate contract of purchase and sale is a document that outlines the terms of a real estate transaction between a buyer and seller. In order to make sure that the contract of purchase and sale is legally binding, indisputable, and fair, it is important to have it reviewed by a BC notary who specializes in issues of real estate, like the ones at Sidhu & Associates. In order to get started on the process of selling or buying real estate, it is important to know who can write a contract of purchase and sale in BC.

Who is Able to Write a Contract of Purchase and Sale for BC Real Estate?

If you are planning on selling or buying a property in BC, it can be extremely beneficial to know how to start the process of getting a contract of purchase and sale drawn up. Although it is most common and highly recommended to always have a qualified professional, such as a notary or a lawyer, write up a contract of purchase and sale, it is possible for the buyer and the seller to write the contract themselves. Writing up a legally binding document can be a bit daunting and it is important to remember that you will still need to have the document validated by a notary, so it is worth including your notary in the process from the start.

The Benefits of Having a BC Notary Draft a Contract of Purchase and Sale

Having a BC notary write a contract of purchase and sale for your real estate transaction can ensure that the document is completely valid and covers every detail of the sale sufficiently. A qualified notary public will also have experience with real estate contracts, meaning that they will be able to look at the document and watch for things that might stand out, such as a clause that does not quite make sense or an unfair term of the sale.

If you are interested in learning more about who can write a contract of purchase and sale in BC, or if you are interested in any of our other real estate and conveyancing services, please contact Sidhu & Associates at 604-859-4825 or fill out a contact form on our website.

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